Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ongoing Drama at ROISD...Keep Checking Back

I received an interesting call from a ROISD employee this evening describing an instructional technology and teacher morale meltdown since the new Supt. has come on board. Couple this with a Finance person that laughs at the prospect of firings during an administrative retreat and you've got either a recipe for disaster AGAIN or the foundation for a total makeover of the district in the Board's/Superintendent's images. I'm leaning toward the latter. This person promised to follow up with some facts and issues. I'll pursue them as/if they appear.

Hopefully, Mr. Niven isn't as full of himself all the time as he was on Saturday at Founder's Day. Our conversation was interesting in the extreme but was a veiled posturing match. Don't understand why he felt the need to exercise the art of sarcasm but frankly he got as good as he gave. If this is the way he treats employees, no wonder folks are leaving the district. That's OK in the present situation, I'll paraphrase but I do believe the budget crisis may be attrited somewhat by voluntary employee separations.

More on the ongoing drama at ROISD as it comes in...if it comes in. I've got a report about the current state of technology in the high school but will sit on it until I have more information. Keep checking back...your tax money's at work! Oh...I's for the kids right?


Steve Miller said...

Haven't heard anything back from the ROISD person that called me. Guess that person is intimidated or got cold feet. I'll go sit in one of my son's classes and find out for myself next week.

Steve Miller said...

Still haven't heard anything from the ROISD contact that "promised" to send me information. Guess that person is either too busy or too intimidated to do so. I'll hope for the former but have a gut feeling it is the latter.