It's election time and there are several contested School Board contests. We've been scratching around and would like to know a little about the opponents to the incumbents.
I know and have worked with Elaine Holliday. She's one of the "good ones" in our community. I support her candidacy. I'm quite curious on what her thinking and reason for running for the Board. I hope she will respond and let us know how she is different than the incumbent, what she brings to the table and her plan for change-if this is what she is planning.
I have met both Brandi and Steve Prowell. No, they're not married...they're brother and sister. They're square business folks with business backgrounds that would be an asset to the school district. I would like to know more about their thinking and why they're running for School Board.
Believe me, all the candidates have a hard row to hoe. The incumbents have a tremendous amount of name recognition, all the free advertising they need on the ROISD web site and the ability to "be seen" at ROISD functions at will. The incumbents have a newspaper available to them as well-The Red Oak Record should be called the ROISD Weekly Reader.
I'm concerned that these candidates won't differentiate themselves from the incumbents. It's time for new faces on the board. The incumbents have been on the board way too long. School boards should not be a long term avocation. The incumbents have done a good job overall. Ms. Vogler is an experienced educator and Mr. Lozano is a hard working citizen and parent. Both incumbents are kid-centered. Yes, folks...hold on...this is gonna' be a bumpy campaign for the new candidates.
Prowells?? Very scary folks! Seriously. Unfortunately your endorsement of them lessens your credibility. Too bad.
I'd like to know what you think makes them scary? Please be specific.
Did they threaten someone? Are they social miscreants? Felons? Serial killers? Axe murderers Social deviants? Let's see whatcha' got.
Why would supporting someone other than the incumbent in a personal blog lessen my credibility? Credible to whom? Why do I have to be credible to you at all?
I find your comment a stretch since I'm not running for any office and a blog is not anything more than a personal Op Ed board.
I'd like you to please educate me on that too if you feel up to the challenge.
I'm all eyes and ears.
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