Let's look at cutting staff (the Tourism Director comes to mind...what attractions do we have other than the Boxcar Willie Memorial Overpass or a couple of BBQ resturants to entice those tourism dollars? How about cutting some services or trimming/combining some roles in Staff? Geez....how about this one....let's dump the current Economic Development Board and put people in that KNOW business, how to bring business TO Red Oak and alleviate some of the tax burden placed upon residents/taxpayers.
Raising taxes will happen because it is the easiest thing to do even over the objections of the voters. Several council members are term limited so it's no big deal to pass the tax increase since they'll not be in office anyway. Woe unto a new mayor that has to have this monkey on his/her back. Even if they weren't around to manage the vote, they would be associated WITH the increase.
The only viable solution for the longer term is bringing business to Red Oak. Waxahachie and Lancaster are growing concerns. Why haven't the voters experienced the same growth since we're supposedly the fastest growing city in Ellis County. I really would like to see the numbers on that. There's a disconnect somewhere.
Start asking your Councilperson what their thinking is to shore up the sucking chest wound that is the City Budget. Thanks Pfiefer for the gift that keeps on giving!
You have all the answers, you should run for office, I am sure everything would be simple and 100% right....you can find fault in everyone, maybe its time for you to put your name on a ballot and just fix the world. Ever think maybe some people who run and give of themselves, their time, might just really care more than someone who just sits at a computer and slings insults all the time Steve?
You know...I thought of that on more than one occasion. I can do more by working in a support role for candidates that are getting the job done in City Council. Besides, you wouldn't have me to kick around right? :<)
Funny...I looked very hard but I don't see any solutions for the deficit ISSUE in your response anon...that's pretty pathetic since you wax so stridently on my blog-foibles and delivered a ad hominum attack rather than address any substantive issue concerning the ongoing deficit or the move for raising taxes.
Believe me I don't sit at a computer all the time. I've got a very intense professional life, great personal life and frankly this blog is a very-very part time place where I can rant, make highly biased observations and gritch and moan as much as I want! Guess what...so can/did you! :<)
Thanks for your response. Hopefully you'll attend to the issue next time...but I seriously doubt you can or would expend your limited mental capacity to develop any solution. It's just easier to bitch right? Please feel free...it's just the Internet and it doesn't mean a thing in the grand scheme of things.
Raising taxes were not proposed, they were just mentioned. It was decided that even if they raised the taxes up to .65 per 100 from the current .64 it would only make a $50000 difference. As of the meeting the difference was $900,000. So $50,000 will not help that much.
Scott Lindsey at the Budget Meeting was quoted by the Chronicle...
“I’m going to say the ugly word — if we have to raise taxes, we have to raise taxes,” Lindsey said. “I agree with everyone here, but I believe promises made are going to be a priority. It doesn’t mean we can do it all.”
Yep...it may not have been proposed but when taxes get put into this context, it goes beyond the proposal stage. Illustrating the obvious yet again, raising taxes is the easiest way to balance the budget. Y'all get ready, your city taxes are fixin' to be raised a lot more than just 1 centavo.
Anyone want to put a pool together for this one?
They need to raise taxes to pay for the national police chief search. How much did they spend for a profesional agency only to dismiss their services and hire a "friend" --who I would hazard to guess doesn't quite meet all of the requirements listed in the job posting (which was probably designed to eliminate local applicants in the first place).
Better check out the post on the new police chief then. If this guy doesn't have the qualifications, the famous guy from Nazareth, Judea, couldn't get hired either! :<)
Check out the preliminary agenda item...oh yeah...the tax increase gambit is being played.
You and I will foot the bill if it's passed.
Don't you really think you pay ENOUGH taxes yet? Isn't it time that the folks that take/use it do just like we do and try to live within their means and quit going to the well when things get a little tight?
LMK if you think your current tax bill is "just right". Hold on to your hat anon...the bonds haven't hit your tax statement yet.
Steve, you can't use the "folks that take/use it do just like we do and try to live within their means and quit going to the well when things get a little tight" logic when you're talking about a growing city. I live in Midlothian, and they have raised taxes several times, and look at what they have to show for it, a beautiful city, well paid cops and firefighters, and a progressive thinking city council.
I won't argue Midlothian is not a great place to live except for the cement plants.
I do expect my elected city officials to use fiscal restraint, manage growth and bring some major business into the town to offset the large tax burden that is foisted upon residents via the recent county and school bonds. You should get a taste of the double hit if Midlothian ISD passes the 130+Million bond.
We'll agree to disagree on this one. We may be less progressive but we do have a little (very little)more geldt in our pockets...for now! :<)
............and the city of Midlothian is LOWERING their taxes this year... seems as though their investments are paying off.....
Midlothian has a ton more business and industrial sites to balance the tax load on the residents.
....and Red Oak is off of a MAJOR interstate, but Midlothian has more businesses?? What is the "economic development" wing of the city council doing??? (or not) what a bunch of clowns! Where's the Wal-Mart, Appleby's,etc.? Hell, Red Oak doesn't even have a freaking Steak and Shake! (Which I personally believe would do VERY well in this area)!!
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