Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Time for an Audit?

If we're short $600K and we're running a budget shortfall, hopefully the councilpersons will ask for an independent audit. Sure the amount really isn't that large in the broad scope; but, is this all the problems or areas in which shortfalls will lead to a lack of city services for taxpayers or an increase in taxes/fees for services rendered?

When was the last time RO had an independent audit of all City Departments? It might be an eye opener to staffers that may not have had complete insight to their own department's budget process during the period of "centralized information...just come by my office and I'll tell ya' what you need to know" in the past.

We'll see. It certainly would be money well spent and should be done periodically anyway. I'm sure an audit is done but an independent audit will shed fresh eyes on the shortfall issue IMHO.


Anonymous said...

Steve the whole city is audited once a year by a independent firm the city hires. Each department is audited for entire budget and how the money was spent and on what it was spent on. If that department is not following statelaws then that department would be introuble. This is a fact not a rumor.

Steve Miller said...

Good...I wasn't intimating that it was rumor..just expounding the fact that it should be done.

Thanks for your post

Anonymous said...

did you see there was a new blog started by Eric Cornelison at, should be interesting.